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Let's find your account
Please include all dashes. For example: 110-01010-00. Last Payment Amount can be found on your latest bill. DO NOT include the "$" sign.

NOTE: When making a payment, please only click "Submit payment" once. Do not click multiple times as multiple payments may be processed and posted to your account. 

CONVENIENCE FEES: Customers will be charged a $2.00 convenience fee when making a payment via e-Check or ACH, including if either of these options is set up on auto pay.

Customers will be charged a  3.9% convenience fee when making a payment via credit card or debit card, including if this is the option set up on auto pay.

If you would like to avoid a convenience fee, please mail in or drop off a check at our office headquarters. 

Billing Information: The District bills on a bimonthly basis - every two months - and you will receive a bill six times a year. We bill for water usage from 60 days prior to each bill. 

We bill for base rates for water and/or sewer regardless of consumption. If there is water consumption, the meter reads are collected in cubic feet, or CF. Usage is billed on a tiered system in 100 cubic feet (100 CF = 748 gallons). 

An interactive Rate Calculator can be found on our CCWD website to assist you in estimating bimonthly costs associated with your bill. 

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